- Delivered to ProQuest— The submission has been reviewed and delivered to ProQuest for publishing. The submission has been received by ProQuest.
- Delivery in Progress— The submission has been reviewed and delivered to ProQuest but not yet received.
- Published by ProQuest— If no restrictions were placed on the work, the dissertation/thesis will now be available to researchers around the world through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database.
Note: if restrictions were placed on the work, the abstract is available now in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, and the work will be disseminated as directed by the author in the publishing agreement. - Ready for Checklist— Rutgers does not use the checklist option in ETD Administrator. This status can be considered the same as “Ready for Decision”.
- Ready for Decision— The submission is ready for review; when your review is complete you can register a decision.
- Ready for Delivery— The submission has been approved by an administrator and can now be delivered to ProQuest.
- Submission in Progress— The student has saved a draft of their submission, but still needs to submit it for review.
- Waiting for Revisions— (Major — The submission has been reviewed. The student has been asked to make major changes.
- Waiting for Revisions— (Minor — The submission has been reviewed. The student has been asked to make minor changes.
- Withdrawn— The submission has been permanently removed. Withdrawn is rarely used.